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New iPhones sport three-camera rumors or not ?

ne thing we count on for sure in this unpredictable world of ours: there will, indeed, be new iPhones. Another thing that’s looking — at the very least — pretty likely is the inclusion of a three-camera array. A number of different rumors from different sources are currently circling around the addition of a third lens for 2019 models.
New reports from “reliable sources” in the Chinese supply chain (by way of 9 to 5 Mac by way of Macotakara, a Japanese Apple blog) have the three-camera system popping up on models with 6.1-inch and 6.5-inch OLED screens, marking another real estate increase for the base-level model of the flagship.

The larger camera configuration (which may well induce minor trypophobia among some users) is said to be a driving factor in the decision to increase screen size). We’re still very much in the “grain of salt” portion of the Apple  rumor cycle, though as 9 to 5 notes, the source has had a solid track record with these sorts of rumors before.
All of that, one assumes, would also come with a price increase for the handset, which has been pushing the $1,000 mark for a couple of years now. And all of this in a year when the company’s still not quite ready to pull the trigger on 5G. All signs currently point to a 2020 date on that one.


  1. Apple again discharged 3 new iPhones, which are the iPhone XS, an updated form .... The gadget is 18% more slender than the iPhone 4S, estimating 7.6 millimeters (0.3 in), and is 20% lighter at 112 grams (4 oz).


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