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Differences between mobile applications and mobile websites : Ezeonsoft

As we know that both are used on the same media (smartphones and tablets), mobile applications (apps) and mobile websites (also called Web Apps) are very different. mobile app is based on mobile OS as like Android ios and windowss oprating system.A mobile app is a program that is downloaded and installed into a user's mobile device, whereas a mobile website is simply a website adapted to tablet and smartphone formats.

From 2016 to 2017, time spent per day on mobile has increased by approximately seven minutes, reaching a total 3 hours and 15 minutes per day. Whats even more surprising is that time spent on desktop decreased by one minute and TV viewing decreased by five minutes. Simply put, if companies aren’t aware of where their customers are spending most of their time, they’ll lose.

Mobile App Vs. Mobile Web: What’s The Difference?
Both apps and mobile websites are accessed via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. A mobile website is exactly as it sounds. It’s a website that consists of browser-based HTML pages that are linked together. Responsive websites are designed for different platforms and adjust to different screen sizes and layouts. Responsive websites are becoming increasingly standard.

Like traditional websites, mobile websites can display text content, data, images, and video. They can also access mobile-specific features such as click-to-call or location-based mapping. Mobile apps, on the other hand, are applications that are downloaded and installed on a user’s mobile device. An app can pull content and data from the Internet, similar to a website, or it can download the content so that it can be accessed without an Internet connection. We’ll dive into the pros and cons for each so you can make a more informed decision when establishing the smartest mobile strategy for your brand.

Mobile App Pros

A native mobile app is an app that is developed for a particular platform, for example, iOS or Android, and are installed on the device itself. A native app is written in the language of the operating system of the device. Apps are a completely separate entity from a company’s website, and are often an extension of a brand.
  1.  Branding Opportunities

  1. Personalization

  1. Offline Access

  1. Customer Engagement

  1. Brand Presence

Mobile Website Pros

  1. Broader Audience Reach

  1. Cost-Effective

  1. SEO & Brand Visibility

Which Is The Better Option?

When it comes to deciding whether to build a mobile app or a mobile website, the right choice simply depends on your business objectives. If your goal is to offer mobile-friendly content to a wide range of people, then a mobile website is probably the way to go. However, if you want to better engage, interact with, and communicate with your customers to drive customer loyalty, a mobile app is an excellent choice. In many cases, you may decide you need both a mobile website and a mobile app. If done correctly, both can be a strategic and valuable choice. So when it comes to your brand’s mobile strategy, it’s not a question of a mobile website or a mobile, but perhaps a two-pronged approach. 


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  2. Whether businesses and developers need to know the differences between a mobile application and a mobile website. It’s an app that is installed on a device and allows the user to use it offline and take full advantage of all the device features. Mobile websites can be accessed via a browser, need an internet connection, but they are a lot easier to update and maintain. Finding a cheap react native app development company and partnering with them allows you to create cost effective high quality cross platform solutions.


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