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Showing posts from 2018

Native app vs. Web vs. Hybrid Apps — What’s the Difference by

As we know that many misconceptions   surroundings  app development  mainly for mobile app We move into a mobile world many development companies considering mobile apps are facing a common challenge which should we choose ? They think that we should build a native app, hybrid app or mobile web apps ? the answer  depends on any company priorities and many factors which is given blow :- — How quick fast need the app —if we can develop any part of the application in house.  — Your money investment for app development —Which part you need in you mobile app —What you want to run with the app We help you to decide what is different web vs native vs hybrid ,  as well as the disadvantages and   advantages  of each so you can understand which approach will be the right one for your app idea.  let’s take a look at the differences between native, mobile web, and hybrid apps,  for more info call free app consultant tod...

Differences between mobile applications and mobile websites : Ezeonsoft

As we know that both are used on the same media (smartphones and tablets), mobile applications (apps) and mobile websites (also called Web Apps) are very different. mobile app is based on mobile OS as like Android ios and windowss oprating system. A mobile app is a program that is downloaded and installed into a user's mobile device, whereas a mobile website is simply a website adapted to tablet and smartphone formats. From 2016 to 2017, time spent per day on mobile has increased by approximately seven minutes, reaching a total 3 hours and 15 minutes per day. Whats even more surprising is that time spent on desktop decreased by one minute and TV viewing decreased by five minutes. Simply put, if companies aren’t aware of where their customers are spending most of their time, they’ll lose. Mobile App Vs. Mobile Web: What’s The Difference? Both apps and mobile websites are accessed via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet. A mobile website is exactly as it sound...

software company in lucknow : Ezeonsoft

Ezeonsoft technology software company in lucknow and top 10 software company in lucknow is also listed as top software company and best software company in Lucknow is for more details you can visite to webiste : Ezeonsoft Technologies is one of the leading UI/UX android app Development Company in India, and we provide top services like:-Windows, Android,iphone Mobile App Development Services,UI/UX Development services and so on.Find for info:- CONTACT US: IstSector 19,OM Apartment Flat No-201,Indiranagar Near Munsi Puliya Petrol Pump, Lucknow-India – 226016 Mobile – +9415964405 +91-522-4954553 India Just leave your details, and we’ll contact you within 24 hours. Website:

एंड्राइड स्टूडियो क्या है android studio kya hai what is android studio ?

ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो एक Coading Based Tool Hai अगर आपको यह प्रोफेशनल एप्लीकेशन डेवलपर बनना है तो आपको एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो के बारे में जानना होगा और इसे अच्छी तरह से सीखना होगा तो चलिए जान लेते है की Android Studio Kya Hai . Android Studio Kya Hai  –  एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो एक Android Developer Environment है जिसमें हम सभी एंड्रॉयड डिवाइस के लिए एप्लीकेशन डेवलप कर सकते हैं एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो Google का ऑफिसियल Android डेवलपमेंट टूल है जिसे हम बिल्कुल फ्री में यूज कर सकते हैं एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो दूसरे IDE से बेस्ट टूल है जिसमें हम Drag And Drop करके भी layout डिजाइन कर सकते हैं और भी बहुत सी ऐसी फीचर्स एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो में मौजूद है जो कि इस टूल को बाकी सारे Tools से एकदम हटके साबित करती है Android Studio Se Application Banane Ke Liye Hame Kya Karna Padega ? एंड्रॉयड स्टूडियो एप्लीकेशन बनाने के लिए आपको कोडिंग की जानकारी होनी बहुत जरुरी है अगर आप चाहें तो ऑनलाइन कोडिंग सीख सकते हैं इसके लिए इंटरनेट पर बहुत सी ऐसी वेबसाइट है जो कि ऑनलाइन कोडिंग सिखाती है An...

Best Software development company in Lucknow is one of the most successful & diversified mobile app Development Company in Lucknow, The Ezeonsoft Company possesses over 8+ years of experience in providing a wide range of mobile app development,ios and andoid app, website, Software and ecommerce development services. Ezeonsoft Lucknow is one of the top Best technology hub in Uttar Pradesh. . The number of Mobile app Development Company in Lucknow start every year. There are a plethora of mobile app development companies now, but finding a trust-able mobile app development company seems to be hard. But it is not. now any one can start their business at just 20% amount of development cost and get your business app today . So if your are looking your business app make a free call to ezeonsoft. Ezeonsoft is the best android application and mobile application development company in Lucknow .most of application developed in Lucknow by Ezeonsoft. Process:- Apps Developed by Ezeonsoft:- Lucknow c...

Tunisia World Cup 2018 Live

तूनिसीया  उत्तरी  अफ़्रीक़ा  महाद्वीप में एक अरब राष्ट्र है जिसका  अरबी भाषा  में नाम  अल्जम्हूरीयाह अत्तूनिसीयाह  (الجمهرية التونسية) या  तूनिस है। यह  भूमध्यसागर  के किनारे स्थित है, इसके पूर्व में  लीबिया  और पश्चिम मे  अल्जीरिया  देश हैं। देश की पैंतालीस प्रतिशत ज़मीन  सहारा रेगिस्तान में है जबकि बाक़ी तटीय जमीन खेती के लिए इस्तमाल होती है। रोमन इतिहास मे तूनिस का शहर कारथिज एक आवश्यक जगह रखता है और इस प्रान्त को बाद में रोमीय राज्य का एक प्रदेश बना दीया गया जिस का नाम  अफ़्रीका  यानी गरम प्रान्त रखा गया जो अब पूरे महाद्वीप का नाम है। ट्यूनीशिया स्थिति : ३३° ३०' उ. अ. तथा ९° १०' पू. दे.। यह उत्तरी  अफ्रीका  का एक स्वतंत्र गणतंत्र (जुलाई, १९५७ तक  राजतंत्र ) राष्ट्र है, जिसके पश्चिम में  अलजीरिया , उत्तर तथा पूर्व में  भूमध्यसागर  तथा दक्षिण-पूर्व में  लीबिया  है।  जिब्राल्टर के मुहाने  तथा स्वेज नहर के मध्य में स्थित होने के कारण ट्रयूनीशिआ...